However odd it might seem to think about selling your home before you buy it, it’s important to realize you may want to relocate eventually. Consequently, your ideal residence should increase in value over time and be attractive to future potential buyers. Although your new home should ideally provide you with your preferred lifestyle, this is not the most important consideration. The following are four things to consider before signing that contract.
Location, Location, Location
This may be the tired mantra of the real estate industry, but the location of your home is the most critical consideration. Will the area still be desirable in ten or fifteen years’ time when you may wish to sell the property? And, consider that the house you are inspecting may have beautiful pine-planking floors and granite counter tops, but if it is right on a busy, noisy street, it will be more difficult to sell.
Houses with just one full bathroom tend not to sell quickly and to limit the sales price. A bad bathroom scenario involves only one full bathroom situated upstairs and the only access is through the master bedroom.
The layout of bedrooms with respect to privacy is important. Two or more bedrooms separated by common-usage areas increase the saleability of the house.
Out-of-Date Features
These can make a house less marketable unless it’s situated in a highly desirable area where buyers care more about location than what’s inside the home. In most cases consider the following:
In many regions of the country non-furnace heating systems (e.g., electric baseboards) reduce the home’s value.
Poor condition and outdated colors of kitchen and bathroom fixtures have a negative impact on value.
Popcorn ceilings, popular in the 1970’s, are not “in” now.
Wall-to-wall carpeting is a pro in some locations, but a con in others.
Before deciding on your new home, give serious consideration to how easily you will be able to sell it. When you have made your choice, we can help you with the settlement process. Liberty Land Transfer is a Pennsylvania-based title company dedicated to fostering long-term relationships. Contact us today to find out why we’re the right company for you.