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Holly Keller

Tips for Negotiating the Lowest Price on Your Property Purchase

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

If you’re getting ready to buy a new real estate property, then you’ll obviously want to pay the lowest price possible. The best way to get a low price is to negotiate, but it’s a little more complicated than that. Here are a few tips for negotiating the lowest price possible on your property purchase.

Use Your Real Estate Agent

Your real estate agent probably has a lot more experience negotiating properties than you do. Of course, you should always make the final call, but don’t be afraid to consider your agent’s advice, or even to let them do the actual negotiating for you.

Take Your Time

Unfortunately, anyone who is rushed in a negotiation is going to get the bad end of the deal. If the seller is in a hurry to get rid of the property, hang back a little. You’ll see the price of the property drop as their deadline gets closer, especially if you’re the only one interested. If they’re not in a hurry, make sure that you aren’t either. If the seller knows you are in a hurry, they are likely to raise the price, simply because they know that they can.

Consider Other Options

Money is not the only thing that can be negotiated when it comes to real estate. Consider all of the aspects of the deal, including financing options, dates of important events, furnishings included in the property, and who pays closing costs. Any of these things may benefit you, and if you aren’t interested in any of them, you may be able to push the price even lower by offering them to the seller

Looking for more tips on how to find a property for the lowest price possible, or other information about the real estate industry? Contact us – we’re here to help.

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